If I had to pick one fashion accessory to splurge on it would always be a good bag. I love fun bags but also classic designer pieces that make every outfit look like a million bucks. With my style so often being simple and classic, a cute bag is always the perfect touch.

I like to switch up my bags a lot more now since there are so many cute styles and I don’t just have to rely on those designer pieces. I put together a list of cute styles I found for Fall to spice up your look! Or should I say Pumpkin Spice up your look… HA HA HA no.

I LOVE this mini back backpack with the croc detail. It is 100% my style & is great for day to night. I love a mini back pack for those days you don't need your work stuff!

I've loved this style since LPA first launched it! It is such a fun bag to pair with a cute outfit for going out to any event. I picked the Ivory because I love a white accessory for fall whether it's booties or a purse. It's crazy how much a cute bag like this totally changes your outfit and makes you an instant fashion ICON!

Translucent bags are super in right now and I don't think it's just a summer thing. Adding in the faux leather pieces totally edges it up and makes it fall ready. I love this for girls on the go, you can hide whatever you need in the pouch part while letting all your other cute bag knick knacks shine through!

If you have way too much stuff for a translucent piece this is the ultimate working girl special. I love a big leather tote to turn into my Mary Poppins bag. This cute new style by Marc Jacobs is the perfect piece to add to your busy Fall schedule.

For night or your weekend brunch, another fabulous green pop is this gorgeous Cult Gaia bag that became a classic last summer. I love this for Fall because you can technically use it all year long but its so fun for this season with it's emerald shiny color.

I could honestly go on forever so let me know if you guys like these shopping lists!




Prepare For Holiday Gift Shopping!


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