
Hellllooooo team LE! It’s ya girl LE here, sick and tired of being SICK AND TIRED! If you follow me on Instagram (why wouldn’t you) you know I’ve been miserably sick for THIRTY DAYS NOW. I’m writing this because I finally have enough energy to start creating content again. Thank God because content is life and life is content. My life is literally so miserable right now that I have had absolutely no content to post. Therefore I ask, what is life. *drama*

After having a cold for a week, getting sick again, having a 104 fever for over a week, losing my hearing and my voice (both of which I still cannot locate), having a sinus infection and finally getting meds, here I am. Am I feeling better? No. Is the medicine working? TBD. But am I over it? YAS QUEEN! Like, what would Lizzo do if she was sick for thirty days? Is this just happening to me because I can handle having no purpose in life for a short period of time? Can you tell I’ve been depressed and anxious lately? This is fun. 

here is all of the content from my camera roll. please note I have not been this sick in YEARS.

OKAY, BACK TO BUSINESS. It’s mother-effing September people. I honestly can’t believe it. Summer is officially over and honestly I am here for it. I think this fall will be the most I ever feel myself style-wise. I have a full-on vision and the moment I can get out of bed your Instagram style icon is about to go OFF. Fall is amazing because we get so much NEW. We get new trends, new beauty products, new TV shows! It’s almost as if we pretend we live our best lives during the Summer but they’re really all happening during the Fall. 

You best believe I’ll be in all neutrals, cute accessories, sipping a pumpkin spice something or other in the near future. 

We also have SO much XLE coming your way. And similarly to how I described my personal style, the next few collections are truly going to reflect that. I’ve never been more excited (and stressed) about upcoming collections. It’s so crazy that this is my second year of XLE. I can’t imagine not designing clothing now, but I’ve also learned SO much that I feel this year is going to be even BETTER

As for YouTube and all other content, there is SO much coming. I feel confident saying that because I have signed many contracts for sponsors within those videos so legally they have to go up. It’s not really a choice. Win-win- I pay my rent, you get awesome content. BOOM. 

I put together my current favorites slash shopping list for September, I’ve done A LOT of shopping while sick and there are still some accessories I need, mostly shoes and a few bags, to complete my hot girl fall. I’ll be going over all the deets on @LaurenElizabethINC insta! I’m so happy to be pretending I’m not sick anymore and making Fall content for you guys! IT MAKES ME HAPPY AND EXCITED. Now I’m tired and going to take NyQuil. 

Happy September.

Love, Sick Girl


Brazilian Blowout 101


SEPHORA Summer SALE! Lauren's Must Haves!