Currently Shopping: Tops & Jeans, duh.


I took a poll on IG this week and asked, "Am I Insane for only wearing black & white tops with a solid jean?!" Most people said I'm not insane so THANK YOU. I just love classic staples that are easy to wear. It's always weird when the seasons feel in transition. For instance, I already did the whole summer floral thing, and I'm ready for Fall but, it's only August. So why not get a few cute tops that will transition nicely and some new killer jeans?! Sounds like a plan to me. I find myself always shopping for tops and always find the best jeans. I put together my current shopping cart for you guys to see what I'm loving and buying before I even wear it. I like to also curate things based on not only what I like, but what I think is great for all body types and styles. It's a win-win. I'm obsessed with the stuff I found and excited to keep my style me but have some new pieces. Feel free to shop below and post a cute pic before I get the chance.

I mean, are they pretty neutral colors? YES. But are they a little spicier? YES! I don't have any of these exact silhouettes and am really getting into not just white and black but TAN AND NUDE! Crazy, I know.

LET'S ALL CALM DOWN! I know I said I wear jeans too often but what else am I supposed to do?! GO NAKED?!!? I'm truly obsessed with these picks! I love these new flattering yet edgy styles. I also love the idea of a biker short that's actually DENIM so I can wear it and look put together not post work out.

Let me know on IG if you're into this or still think I'm fully insane in the name of fashion!



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