Bachelor Monday Essentials


It's no secret that I am addicted to all things Bachelor and Bachelorette. One of my favorite parts about becoming addicted to this show is making a night out of it! I'll take any excuse to stay in and get cozy on the couch with some good entertainment! 

Whether it's having my girlfriends over to watch the drama go down, or bundling myself up on the couch with a glass of Rosè, Bachelor Monday's are one of the highlights of my week. This week for Bachelor I decided to continue to break in my Kitchen Aid mixer by making homemade donuts! I love cake donuts and they turned out to be so easy! I haven't quite mastered the frosting yet, so once I do I'll post a full donut recipe on the blog! (Let me know what other recipes you want in the comments!)

For now, I put together all the bare minimum Bachelor night essentials. It makes such a difference when you have all the best home accessories to stay in with! Trust me, it's why I never want to leave my place and why people love coming over!!


Click on the names below to shop!

  1. Anthropologie Blanket: The BEST and most COMFY blanket from Anthro (I own two now) is a must have for your living room. You want people to feel welcome and at home when they come over so blankets are a must. I always have two to three out on the couch for people to grab (trust me they do).
  2. Marble Slab: No matter what you're serving, putting it out nicely on a marble slab makes it look gourmet. I have tons of boards and slabs so everything has it's own place when I serve it! It looks much nicer even if it's only for some cookies or a full cheese platter!
  3. Diptyque Candle: I adore Diptyque candles for their classy scents! I love the Vanille for night time because it puts you in the mood to relax and is warm. I always light my candles before my guest's arrive so my place smells amazing right when they walk in. But even if I'm not having people over I like to dim the lights and light candles so my mind and body can start winding down.
  4. Ullo Wine Purifier: I've recently gotten into purifying my wine. There are tons of added sulfites to bottled wine that isn't organic and organic wine is sometimes out of the way for me. Using the Ullo Wine Purifier you pour your normal glass through and their special filters remove all the added sulfites bringing it back to it's natural state. So much better for you! Way less hangover!
  5. Cute Wine Glasses: Or just enough glasses in general! It sounds silly but sometimes as a guest at other parties, they don't have enough glasses. No one likes being left out!! LOL. Besides that, I mostly just can't stand drinking wine from anything besides a wine glass. It just feels so wrong! And isn't as enjoyable of an experience for me! So not only do I have tons of glasses but also the pretty fun ones for when I have guest over!
  6. White Serving Bowls: The best thing my mom does when she's in town is buy random stuff I don't know I need till it's there! I have so many shapes and sizes of these white serving bowls and wow do they come in handy. I love being able to put popcorn, pasta, chips, anything really, in these bowls to make it look nicer! It also honestly gives easier access to more hands in the popcorn at once!

click here to shop Winc wines


Does Bachelor Night even EXIST without wine?!? Asking for a friend... I'm currently loving my Winc wines as you probably know by now if you follow me a lot. I love how they show up right at my door so I always have wine on deck! I never have to worry about going to the store to get wine for my friends and if I need my box sooner I just login on my phone! I love living in the future.

I'm currently obsessed with this red and so are most of my friends, it has notes of earth, licorice, and plum as pictured above. It's full-bodied and dry, just how I like my reds. Then I love having Summer Water in the house all year round because Rosè is a must no matter what season it is. Summer Water is also dry, I hate sweet wine if you can't tell, and has tasting notes of lemon rind, pink grapefruit and rose. It's very light, so it's nice for a Monday if you're still hurting from the weekend.

Are you ready for the next Bachelor Monday?! How do you spend your evening full of roses?! Comment below!



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